
​We usually meet fortnightly on Thursdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Firth Community Centre, Finstown.
Please see the events page for details of upcoming meetings
We welcome returning and new members. If you have an passion for photography or are eager to delve into the world of visual storytelling, we invite you to be part of our community.
Please note that we may on occasion change the date, time or venue. This will be updated within the Programme, on this site and on our Facebook group

/ Our Story
The club was setup in 1977, when John Cartmel Crossley an artist from St. Margaret's Hope, along with Colin Johnstone called a public meeting with the intention of getting others who were interested in photography together to form a Camera Club. After a good turnout at the meeting a committee was formed and Orkney Camera Club began.
- Upcoming Competition -
Annual Competition